Knoxville Rodent Exterminator

Call me: 865-248-6791

Welcome! Knoxville Rodent Exterminator is a full-service rodent control company specializing in the permanent removal of mice and rats in Knoxville, TN. Whether you have a problem with mice in your attic, rats in your walls, or rodents scratching in your house, we can solve it! The key to PERMANENT rodent control lies in our inspection and preventative work - we seal the rats and mice out of your house forever, and we trap and remove them. We do not use poison! We answer our phone 24/7, and can schedule a same-day or next day appointment. Some of the services we offer include:

  • 100% Permanent Rodent Eradication
  • House, Roof, and Attic Inspections
  • Preventative Rodent Exclusion Repairs
  • Rodent Droppings Cleanup in Attic
  • Outdoor Rodent Population Abatement
  • Poison-free Rat and Mouse Extermination
  • Porch, Deck, or Shed Exclusion Barriers
  • Dead Rodent Removal - Walls or Attic

CALL US ANY TIME AT 865-248-6791

rodent trapping Knoxville's Best Rodent Removal: Rat removal professionals are experts that work to keep rats off your property for good. We are a rat removal company with a team of experts ready to work on your property at any time. We work on all types of properties and all scales of projects. We deploy the most efficient methods for getting rid of rats from properties. The methods we apply are aimed at the best results always. We understand the scope of the damage these annoying critters can cause. This is why we apply the most efficient and appropriate measures for getting rid of the problem. The rat removal process we apply begins with the inspection of the infested property. We inspect the property and develop a plan of action. We are particularly committed to the humane removal of the critters in the most efficient way possible. Our humane approach includes trapping the critters live and relocating them as far away as possible from your property. We also apply lethal traps such as snap traps. We always work with a clear strategy, with clear timelines and deadlines. We are also committed to ensuring that the critters never come back after we remove them. We will apply measures like habitat modifications and exclusion to ensure that the critters do not come back. We are licensed and experienced to work on your property. Our team is also insured and will safely work on your property. You should choose us because we are committed to providing permanent solutions. Rat infestation is best handled by professionals that are skilled and experienced. We are skilled and experienced to handle a wide range of rat infestation scenarios. We are also ready to help you. 

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Knoxville pest control

We Tennessee's top experts in rodent control. We are not a typical Knoxville rat removal or pest control company. We don't treat rats or mice like insects, because they are not - they are mammals! You can't just use poison to get rid of them, like you can with insects. Unlike most Knoxville pest control, we focus on complete and permanent solutions. We don't just use poison every month. We solve your rodent problem forever, by following these steps:

  • Inspect the entire house, ground to roof, and the attic
  • Seal shut all entry areas, no matter how small, with steel
  • Set a dozen or more rat or mouse traps in the house and attic
  • Remove all rodents as they are caught and monitor for activity
  • Once there is no more activity and no more caught, we're done
  • When necessary, we clean rodent droppings, replace insulation, and repair chewed electric wires

Knoxville Rodent Removal Tip:

Tips to Remove a Rat That Is Stuck in a Dumpster
If you have lived in the city long enough, you have probably seen a rat stuck in a garbage can or a dumpster once in a while. Generally, these creatures can get right out of there, but sometimes they might not be able to. It is best not to just go blindly reaching down into a dumpster to get a rat out for many reasons. Continue reading to learn some tips to remove a rat that is stuck in a dumpster.

The first and most important thing to think about before helping a rat get out of a dumpster is the risk you will be taking. Rats, like pretty much every rodent, carry all kinds of nasty, potentially fatal diseases. Rat-bite fever is a nasty bacterial infection that can be fatal if not treated soon enough. Hantavirus, commonly carried by rats, has no cure and is fatal in 40% of all cases. Leptospirosis can cause you to take over several months to recover. Now you need to seriously think about these risks before moving on. There is a good chance that a rat could harbor any one of hundreds of diseases.

rodent trapping Safety Precautions
Before removing a rat, or even a mouse, from a dumpster, you need to be sure you are following a couple of smart and simple safety precautions. You have to keep in mind that the rat will be terrified and angry because it has no way to get out. It will feel cornered and threatened, and will certainly lash out at the first chance it gets. You have a few different options. You can use lethal means of getting the rat out of the dumpster or you can help it escape. Either way is okay, as long as you make sure you are following all laws in your area.

One of the easiest ways to take care of a rat that is trapped in a dumpster is to set a lethal or nonlethal trap for it in the dumpster. There are a wide variety of snap traps, humane traps, and glue traps that can be used. If you are looking for a lethal option, opt for a snap trap of some kind, as these are quick, simple, and humane since it only takes one quick snap to dispatch the critter. If you are looking for a live trap, consider using a humane box trap that simply just catches them, allowing you to release the rat into the wilderness. Whatever you decide to use, just be sure to be wearing heavy gloves so that the rat cannot bite your hand when you are placing the trap. Whenever you catch the rat in the trap, be careful when handling the rat, or just leave it if you do not feel comfortable disposing of the rat's body. 

Help It Escape
For the bleeding hearts of the world, there is a way to take care of this situation that will feel like a happy ending. Generally, the rat is stuck in the dumpster or garbage can because it cannot get friction on the inside walls of the dumpster for whatever reason. The way to help a rat out would be to simply place a stick or any other long object in the dumpster so that the rat can make its way out. Another solution to this problem is to throw a bunch of trash in the dumpster so that it mounds up high enough that the rat can escape. Once you have done either of these things, be sure to get away from the dumpster so that the rat does not come into contact with you.

We service nearby towns such as Farragut, Mascot, Powell, Kodak, New Hopewell, Clinton, Heiskell, Seymour, Clinton, Elza, Karns.